Anyhow, latest rumours seem a little more substantial according to Fangoria and AICN:
GHOSTBUSTERS III may be getting a little bit closer to reality. According to AICN, Dr. Ray Stantz himself, Dan Aykroyd, offered an update during a Boston Globe chat with fans while promoting a new venue for the House of Blues. When asked about the status of the third film, Aykroyd had the following to say: "Script is commenced early summer. Hope to be in production by late fall 2009."
There's a lot of "if" in that statement, as the film doesn't have an official greenlight yet, though signs currently point to a late 2010 release - IF they're shooting this fall. Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky (both writers/producers of NBC's THE OFFICE) are currently penning the GHOSTBUSTERS III screenplay, and serving as Producers on the film, along with Aykroyd as Executive Producer.
Hopeful? Well I am. Screenplay by Eisenberg and Stypnitsky could really refresh the mold and they seem perfect for this project. I have high hopes, though I am under no illusion those hopes could be once again dashed at a moments notice, or concluded in a travesty that no where near lives up to the project potential: stand up and take a bow Indiana Jones...
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