This month, writer Jason Hall returns to Justice League Adventures with an issue that debuts The Legion Of Superheroes, fondly remembered from their appeareance in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "New Kids In Town."
Issue #28 features art by Min S. Ku and Ty Templeton, with a cover by Tom Feister. Toon Zone spoke to Jason Hall about his involvement with issue and his current work in the comic industry.
Images presented in this article are from the upcoming Justice League Adventures #28; many thanks to Min S. Ku for providing these pictures at such short notice.
Toon Zone: Was it your idea to guest-star The Legion Of Superheroes? The Superman episode "New Kids In Town" showed a potentially large resource of characters.

Jason Hall: When I came up with the idea to do a team-up with The Legion, I got really excited. I've always been a huge LSH fan (through the ups and downs of the various incarnations and eras), and after seeing them briefly on the Superman animated series years ago, I was left wanting to see more (as I'm sure others were).
While the entire "Animated Legion" makes a brief appearance of sorts in the issue (which is the entire team seen on the cartoon, plus Shadow Lass, who's been seen briefly in the Justice League Adventures comic), I chose to focus on different members than those featured in "New Kids In Town." Those three got the spotlight there, so I wanted to let some of the other members shine in my issue. And the characters I chose are an interesting assortment: Andromeda, Phantom Girl, Kid Quantum, and Brainiac 5. They all play an important part in the story, and a couple of them also have interesting ties to past animated DCU continuity that I wasn't about to let go to waste! Plus, there's even an appearance (sort of) by two (actually, three!) Legionnaires you thought you'd never see in an animiated comic, but not in the way you think! A little teaser there for the LSH fans!
TZ: Have you watched any of Justice League second season? Was there anything in particular in the show that you would like to explore further in the Justice League Adventures?
Hall: I've seen just about all the episodes from season two -- and, like most people, I think it's a vast improvement over season one. But I think the best is yet to come.
I'd love to do something with J'Onn as Detective John Jones -- something I hope they do on the show at some point. A murder-myster featuring him, Batman, and Hawkgirl could be pretty cool. I'm also excited about the rumor of more members joining the League in season three -- as that would be something great to explore in stories in the comic series.
TZ: Any other projects you are currently working on that you want to mention? What is the future for CRUSH? Any more issues in the works after the four part mini-series concludes?
Hall: I've got the long-awaited follow-up to my Mr. Freeze story from Gotham Adventures #51 seeing print hopefully this year in Batman Adventures. It's got art by Batman Adventures cover artist Kelsey Shannon and features plenty of chilling shocks and surprises. And right now I'm working on a new project for DC/Vertigo, but it hasn't been announced yet, so my lips are sealed! As for Crush, I've heard rumblings of a possible trade paperback and there's been some interest from foreign shores in doing a translation, so we'll see how those things play out. I've got my fingers crossed that it could mean future issues of Crush, as I've got tons of ideas and plans for the book. The first four issues were only the beginning!
You can always keep up with what I've got going on by checking out my website. And in case you missed my Psycho Pirate story from Justice League Adventures #20, it's featured in the recently released digest Justice League Adventures Vol. 2: Friends and Foes -- it got the cover spot! And I asked them to fix the few coloring mistakes that were in the original, which I was pleased to see that they did.
You can also find a whopping four of my Star Wars Tales stories in the recently released Star Wars Tales Vol. 4 trade paperback! On top of that, there is a Boba Fett story in the recently released Star Wars Tales #18 as well!
Now don't forget to pick up Justice League Adventures #28 in your favorite comic shop on February 4th! I'm really happy with how the issue turned out, and Min and Ty did a fantastic job on the art chores. And I'd love to do more with the "animated" version of the Legion!
Interview Copyright: James McLean
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